Daily Record Profiles Attorney Adam Van Grack for Role in Olympic Sports
In Monday’s edition, the Daily Record published an article profiling Longman & Van Grack Attorney Adam Van Grack for his efforts and roles regarding canoe and kayak Olympic sports. The article titled “Rockville Lawyer Makes a Splash for Olympians” discusses how Mr. Van Grack is both an attorney at Longman & Van Grack and Chairman of USA Canoe/Kayak, the National Governing Body for all canoe and kayak sports for the United States through the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
The Daily Record article notes that “The civil litigator is an avid canoe sportsman and interim chairman of U.S. Canoe and Kayak, the sports’ national governing body, in addition to his day job at Longman & Van Grack LLC in Rockville.” The Daily Record also explains that “When [Adam Van Grack is] not helping clients, he is making sure Olympic canoe and kayak athletes have funding and proper training facilities and also helps review their contracts, among other needs.”
At Longman & Van Grack, Mr. Van Grack also represents athletes and Olympians in a vast array of legal concerns. The Daily Record according notes that Longman & Van Grack “has represented Olympians not only in canoe and kayak, but also in speedskating, swimming, gymnastics, and basketball.”
Mr. Van Grack is proud to be able to help Olympic hopeful athletes and Olympians through his role at USA Canoe/Kayak. Mr. Van Grack has been working with canoe and kayak athletes for the past 12 years.
Joe Jacobi, 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist and CEO of USA Canoe/Kayak from 2009 to 2014, told the Daily Record: “To ultimately help people access outdoors more safely, more responsibly – that is a unique set of skills and experiences that Adam brings to U.S. Canoe and Kayak that another attorney wouldn’t bring.”
The article notes that “When [Adam Van Grack is] not helping clients, he is making sure Olympic canoe and kayak athletes have funding and proper training facilities and also helps review their contracts, among other needs.”
Scott Parsons, a three-time canoe slalom Olympian, explained to the Daily Record that despite the fact that there are a lot of “strong personalities” in the Olympic sport, Mr. Van Grack helps with all of the negotiations and is a “stand-up guy.”
Longman & Van Grack wishes all the Team USA Athletes the best of luck at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, and we are honored to have Mr. Van Grack assisting with Team USA through USA Canoe/Kayak. Longman & Van Grack regularly advises all types of recreation, athletic, and Olympic clients regarding sports and athletic-related legal issues within our Sports and Recreation Law Practice. Our attorneys, including Adam Van Grack, have represented many individual U.S. Olympic and world-class athletes regarding civil litigation disputes,contract drafting and negotiation, liability concerns, and sports marketing issues. Attorneys at Longman & Van Grack have represented U.S. Olympic and world-class athletes in the following sports: canoe slalom, kayak slalom, speedskating, swimming, gymnastics, basketball, and football. Call our attorneys in Maryland (Rockville or Bethesda), Virginia, or Washington, DC at (301) 291-5027 if you have any further questions or if you think the attorneys at Longman & Van Gack can help you out.