Maryland Environmental Attorneys Representation & Consultation

Many businesses and entities throughout Maryland are affected by environmental and natural resources laws, and most laws relating to the environment are statutory and are enforced by federal and state administrative agencies. Maryland business owners and managers need to be keenly aware of how environmental laws relate to their operations as well as which agencies oversee and enforce them. The environmental and natural resources attorneys at Longman & Van Grack are experienced in advising businesses about a wide range of state and federal environmental laws and regulations as well as the solutions that may be available for their clients. While our attorneys primarily focus on federal and state environmental matters in Maryland, our environmental law attorney have addressed matters in other jurisdictions. Our environmental attorneys are uniquely prepared to provide such environmental and natural resources advice because — in addition to assisting clients on environmental matters — our attorneys have worked in environmental/energy agencies, helped craft environmental/energy laws in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, and taught environmental law to university students.
There are many federal laws that affect the way our clients do business. These laws include, but are not limited to:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Clean Air Act (CAA)
- Clean Water Act (CWA)
- Endangered Species Act (ESA)
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
The Maryland environmental attorneys at Longman & Van Grack regularly represent businesses affected by these federal laws as well as federal environmental regulations and State of Maryland environmental regulations. Our environmental lawyers understand how these laws and regulations apply to our clients’ businesses and how to best approach business/environmental issues relating to these environmental laws.
Environmental Litigation and Disputes
Despite properly managing your entity’s environmental legal issues, occasionally, legal disputes may occur. Longman & Van Grack’s Maryland environmental attorneys have litigated many environmental issues and are available to help you through any of these types of specific legal disputes. Read more about our firm’s Environmental Litigation Practice.
Administrative Agencies Involved in Environmental Business Law
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the federal administrative agency responsible for enforcing laws in this area. The EPA has many federal and state counterparts and works with other agencies with complimentary missions. The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) is the state administrative agency responsible for enforcing state and federal environmental laws in Maryland. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages federal land and the natural resources coming from this land. The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) oversees the compliance of federal agencies with the NEPA. The Maryland Department of the Natural Resources (DNR) is the state administrative agency responsible for addressing natural resources laws in Maryland. The Army Corps of Engineers administers Superfund clean ups and regulates wetland permits under the Clean Water Act. Our business clients often become involved with one or more of these agencies. Longman & Van Grack’s Maryland environmental law attorneys regularly represents clients in disputes and negotiations with these environmental agencies.

Types of Environmental Cases
Longman & Van Grack’s Maryland environmental attorneys handle various types of environmental business law cases. We represent business owners in cases including but not limited to:
- Complying with Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act regarding emissions and securing necessary permits.
- Disputes related to environmental permitting.
- Disputes related to environmental compliance.
- Disputes over disposal of toxic waste.
- Disputes over Endangered Species Act enforcement.
- Clean up of environmental contamination.
- Seeking compensation for serious physical injury or death due to exposure to a toxic substance.
If you are a business owner or manager with an environmental law related question please contact the Maryland environmental attorneys at Longman & Van Grack at (301) 291-5027 for a consultation today.