Maryland Environmental Litigation

Both the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) regulate activities that contribute to air pollution, water pollution, and solid and hazardous waste pollution. Most Maryland environmental litigation attorney laws enforce standards that are equivalent to those provided under federal law. Although state and federal jurisdiction sometimes overlap, MDE is generally the regulator of first resort for the implementation and enforcement of environmental laws in Maryland.
Given this complex web of regulations, it is no surprise that even the most environmentally conscientious companies and individuals often find themselves in legal disputes with the MDE or EPA. The Maryland environmental law attorneys at Longman & Van Grack represent individuals, groups, companies, and local governments throughout Maryland in civil actions and in administrative proceedings relating to regulatory compliance, permitting, water rights, property contamination, development, the adequacy of reporting and documentation required by various regulatory programs, to claims by neighbors.
At Longman & Van Grack, our goal is helping our clients avoid environmental regulatory problems in the first place by focusing on developing robust environmental compliance programs in Maryland. Our lawyers work to thoroughly understand our client’s businesses and how they are impacted by the federal and Maryland laws so that compliance can be incorporated into business process rather than placed as a hurdle between you and your goals. We also work collaboratively with consultants outside our firm — such environmental experts, accountants, and financial advisers — to ensure that your entity’s environmental and financial interests are being thoroughly and seamlessly protected.
The environmental litigation attorney at Longman & Van Grack help our clients rapidly respond to Maryland and federal inquiries in order to minimize regulatory down time. Our lawyers’ focus on environmental compliance means the information the government is requesting is often at the ready. However, we do not push our clients to comply if they think a government request is unreasonable or overly broad. Our environmental attorneys will help you respond appropriately to government inquiries both when you agree that a request is appropriate and when you wish to contest an over-reach.
Often, our Maryland environmental attorneys can help our clients reach a negotiated settlement with the Maryland or federal agency and other interested parties that is satisfactory to all involved. Our lawyers’ focus is on crafting long-term environmental solutions that will keep our environmental clients out of the courtroom and focused on their operations.
When environmental litigation is necessary, our team of Maryland litigators can step in to represent you at all types of adversarial hearings – from the agency level to the highest appellate courts. Our environmental lawyers have had significant success persuading judges and Maryland/federal officials in the interpretation of various regulations.
Our Maryland environmental attorneys have the experience and resources needed to address technical issues that often arise in environmental disputes. Our lawyers regularly work with experts in toxicology, environmental science, chemistry, conservation, and hazardous materials management to ensure our clients are able to assert the most effective evidence and arguments possible.
No matter your industry, size, or situation, contact the team of Maryland environmental litigators at the law firm of Longman & Van Grack today. Call (301) 291-5027 to schedule a consultation at either our Bethesda or Rockville, Maryland offices.