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bethesdaTax Attorney

Longman & Van Grack Wins Appellate Tax Decision Against Maryland Comptroller

Longman & Van Grack is proud to announce that yesterday the appellate and tax attorney team of Adam Van Grack, Robb Longman, and Theodore Kiviat successfully obtained a decision for their clients which would entitle the clients to a refund from the Maryland Comptroller of nearly half a million dollars.…

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tax planning rockville

Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Maryland

[Information in this article has been superseded by a Court of Appeals case. Learn more about the change in our new article] In many contexts throughout businesses, nonprofits, legal matters, and estates, individuals are charged with a fiduciary duty that is owed to a beneficiary (individual, estate, or entity). The…

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law firm maryland

2018 Real Property Taxes: To Advance Pay or Not

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 – which just became federal law -- severely restricts the amount of money an individual can deduct within their tax return for state or real property taxes paid to a state starting in 2018. In response, many states and local jurisdictions have…

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Maryland tax attorney

Fraud Lawsuits in Maryland

Maryland, like most states, allows for a party to sue another party for fraud. Both individuals and entities (such as corporations or partnerships) can sue for fraud. In Maryland, Fraud is established legally when (i) a party makes a false representation to another party, (ii) the representation’s falsity was either…

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tax planning bethesda

Forbes Quotes Robb Longman on Republican Tax Plan

Today, the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate are voting on the Republican's Tax Plan which could, if passed, be the broadest Federal tax reform in more than 30 years. As a result of this pending tax reform, Forbes sought the advice of Longman & Van Grack…

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IRS Offer in Compromise

Unjust Enrichment in Maryland: Liability Without a Contract

Most legal disputes over business transactions or exchanges between individuals and companies are disputes regarding contracts or agreements. These legal contract disputes all emanate from a specific agreement between the parties for an exchange of items/money with consideration on both sides.  However, in Maryland, there also exists a unique cause…

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law firm rockville

Unfair Competition in Maryland Courts

Maryland courts enforce a civil cause of action or tort called Unfair Competition. In Maryland, Unfair Competition is a tort that a party can establish proving that a business or company damaged or jeopardized their business “by fraud, deceit, trickery or unfair methods.’” See Cavalier Mobile Homes, Inc. v. Liberty Homes,…

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Spouse Business Partner

Innocent Spouse Relief in Maryland and Washington DC

Innocent Spouse Relief addresses the potential release tax liability of an individual spouse when they content that only their spouse is liable for the debt. When spouses file a joint tax return they are jointly and severally liable for the tax debt. Therefore, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Comptroller of Maryland,…

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tax planning bethesda

Robb Longman Elected Fellow of American College of Tax Counsel

Longman & Van Grack is pleased to announce that Robb A. Longman has been elected as a fellow of American College of Tax Counsel (ACTC).  The ACTC is a non-profit professional association that recognized tax attorneys who have made a substantial contribution and commitment to the improvement of the practice…

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tax attorney maryland

Robb Longman Elected Assistant Secretary of ABA Tax Section

Longman & Van Grack is proud to announce that our attorney, Robb Longman, has been elected Assistant Secretary of the American Bar Association ("ABA")'s Section of Taxation this afternoon. Previously, Mr. Longman, who is the Chair of the Firm's Tax Practice, has been the Chair of the Maryland State Bar…

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law firm maryland

Preparing for New IRS Partnership Audit Rules

On June 13, 2017, the IRS re-released proposed regulations that spell out partnership audit procedures under the 2015 legislation known as the Bipartisan Budget Act ("BBA"). The BBA legislation repealed the current unified partnership audit regime, which was enacted by the 1982 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act ("TEFRA"), and…

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estate law maryland

Agreeing to Agree: Avoiding Teaming Agreement Uncertainty in Maryland

Teaming Agreements are created to allow prime contractors and subcontractors to agree to combine resources to bid on major government contracts. A properly-drafted teaming agreement in Maryland addresses just how the prime contractor and subcontractor will combine their respective resources in pursuit of the government contract. A teaming agreement is…

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