Longman & Van Grack Attorney to Chair Presentation and Speak at ABA Tax Section’s Midyear Meeting
Longman & Van Grack attorney, Robb Longman, will be in Houston, TX at the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Taxation 2015 Midyear Meeting this weekend as Chair of the ABA’s Tax Practice Management, which is hosting a presentationtitled: “Practical Tips for Hiring and Retaining Good Tax Lawyers.” The presentation will discuss the best hiring practices in both the private and government sectors, including the ethical and legal concerns associated with hiring practices. Robb will also be a Guest Speaker at the Midyear Meeting’s”Careers in Tax” Dinner.
Robb Longman is currently Vice-Chair of the Maryland State Bar Association’s Tax Section and Chair of the American Bar Association’s Tax Practice Management Committee. Feel free to contact Robb or anyone at Longman & Van Grack’s Tax Practice if you need any legal assistance related to tax controversies or tax planning.